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Important notes before using the sedex Client Docker image

This documentation describes how to install, configure and operate the current sedex Client on container platforms such as Docker, Kubernetes, OpenShift, etc. Before you start working with the sedex Client container, it is important to take note of the following points.

sedex participants

sedex is available to participants with regulatory authorization and who are registered and authorized participants of e-Government Switzerland. Please contact the sedex Support if you are interested in using the sedex service.

Container or classic installation?

The sedex Client can be operated as a container or installed directly on numerous operating systems as a classic software installation. The installer is available in the Downloads section, the installation documentation is here: Installation and user manual.

Preparation required

A number of things must be done correctly in order to assure the smooth operation of a sedex Client. Please read the documentation carefully and plan your installation before starting the sedex Client as a container for the first time.

Help us improve

The sedex Client as a container is a new offering. We are interested in your feedback to help us improve the container image and documentation. Please contact the sedex Support.

Important technical points

Only one running instance per participant

For a specific sedex participant (a specific sedex ID), only one sedex Client may be running at any time. Otherwise, problems such as lost messages or other malfunctions may result. Therefore, you must absolutely ensure organizationally and operationally that no more than one sedex Client is running for the same participant at any time.
This point has to be considered especially on automatically orchestrated container platforms like Kubernetes, OpenShift, etc. Without specific configuration, these platforms tend to run multiple instances (e.g. when moving or updating containers) by default. See section Orchestration for details.

Permanent file storage for data volume required

Containers have, by principle, a disposable character. This means that any data stored in the container is also deleted with the container. However, sedex needs data that survive the (possibly short) life cycle of a container and must be persisted permanently. Examples for such important data to be stored are sedex messages, the participant certificate, etc. In order to guarantee that this data can be permanently stored outside the container, it is imperative that the container has a reliable external data volume to which it has access. See section Permanent Storage for details.