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Installing the sedex Client to use the Messaging REST API

Depending on the selected operating mode of the sedex Client, different measures need to be taken.

Installing on a host

In order to use the Messaging REST API, the following must be taken into account when running the sedex Client installer.

  • Select the "sedex Web Service Proxy / REST API for Messaging" module in the appropriate step of the sedex Client installer.
  • In the step which configures the Messaging REST API:
    • Enable the REST API for messaging.
    • Select the default interface for receiving messages which suits the business application's purposes.

Using as a Docker container on a container platform

Docker Image documents the sedex Client Docker Container (without REST API).

By default, the new sedex Client behaves like the old one and the REST API is not enabled. In order to use the sedex Messaging REST API instead of the classic file system interface, the following parameters must be included during the Docker Container startup in "Phase 1 - Initial Configuration":