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Docker image release notes

These release notes contain a summary of new features, changes and bug fixes for the Docker image releases of the sedex client.

Where to find the image tags

Most of the image tags listed here are now purely historical and no longer available for download. All tags of the currently available container images are listed on Docker Hub.

Major Version 1.1

Version/Tag 7.0.4_container-1.1.0 (2024-02-23)

This release does not introduce any new functionality, but addresses an issue of the contained sedex Client.

Contained sedex Client: 7.0.4, see release notes for changes.

Version/Tag 7.0.3_container-1.1.0 (2024-01-16)

This release does not introduce any new functionality, but addresses an issue of the contained sedex Client.

To ensure the operational stability of a sedex-Client 7.0 installation, an immediate update to the new version is recommended (sedex-Client 6.x is not affected). For details about the problem see the following release notes of the sedex-Client.

Contained sedex Client: 7.0.3, see release notes for changes.

Version/Tag 7.0.2_container-1.1.0 (2023-11-16)

This release does not introduce any changes in the containerization layer, but only updates the contained sedex client.

Contained sedex Client: 7.0.2, see release notes for changes.

Version/Tag 7.0.1_container-1.1.0 (2023-10-17)

This release does not introduce any changes in the containerization layer, but only updates the contained sedex client.

Contained sedex Client: 7.0.1, see release notes for changes.

Version/Tag 7.0.0_container-1.1.0 (2023-09-20)

This release introduces significant new functionalities while being largely backward compatible with older sedex clients. Before migrating an existing sedex Client 6.x installation to version 7.0, you should study the following release notes thoroughly and make the necessary preparations.

Changes in the containerization layer 1.1.0:

Contained sedex Client: 7.0.0, see release notes for changes.

Major Version 1.0

Version/Tag 6.0.10_container-1.0.4 (2023-08-15)

This release fixes a problem during the migration of existing instances to version 6.0.10_container-1.0.3

Changes in the containerization layer 1.1.4:

  • Fix: When upgrading an existing Docker instance to 6.0.10_container-1.0.3, the new Docker container could not be started under specific circumstances. Using this version fixes the problem.

Contained sedex Client: 6.0.10, see release notes for changes.

Version/Tag 6.0.10_container-1.0.3 (2023-07-13)

This release does not introduce any new functionality, but updates 3rd party libraries.

Changes in the containerization layer 1.0.3:

  • Improvement: Internal improvement of an error message.
  • Update: Using a new Alpine Linux base image.

Contained sedex Client: 6.0.10, see release notes for changes.

Version/Tag 6.0.8_container-1.0.2 (2022-07-07)

This release does not introduce any new functionality, but resolves issues and improves some operational aspects of the sedex Client.

Changes in the containerization layer 1.0.2:

  • Fix: Reading memory restrictions on systems with cgroup2 resulted in an error and prevented the container from launching.

Contained sedex Client: 6.0.8, see release notes for changes.

Version/Tag 6.0.7_container-1.0.1 (2021-11-26)

Changes in the containerization layer 1.0.1:

  • Fix: In Phase 1 - Initial Configuration the creation of the sedex-data volume could fail due to missing permissions if the container was started as non-root user and a cifs-mount was used as volume.

Contained sedex Client: 6.0.7, see release notes for changes.

Version/Tag 6.0.7_container-1.0.0 (2021-11-08)

This is the first version of the sedex Client Docker image which is provided to all sedex participants.

This release does not introduce any new functionality, but resolves issues and improves some operational aspects of the sedex Client.

Changes in the containerization layer 1.0.0:

  • Change: To better separate configuration data (especially credentials) and sedex messages during operation, the interface folders for sedex messaging have been extracted to a separate volume called sedex-interface.
  • Change: In Phase 1 - Initial Configuration some simplifications and unifications were made:
    • The configuration file for the manual initial configuration with the name init.conf is no longer expected in the subfolder conf but in the root of sedex-data
    • The init-scripts provided in the container for the automatic script-based inital configuration have been renamed
    • some configuration parameter names have changed
  • Change: The tag latest is no longer supported, as its use in production environments can lead to unwanted updates to non-backward compatible versions. Instead we recommend to use one of the other offered tags, e.g. container-1.0.
  • Improvement: The health check script in the container was improved.
  • Improvement: Some minor improvements have been made to the container logic, which translate into more stable operation and more meaningful error messages.

    Study migration instruction for users of pre-1.0-containers

    With the change from container image version 0.x to major version 1.0, some changes were
    introduced which are no longer backward compatible.
  • The separate Migration instructions for users of container image version before 1.0-beta lists what these changes are and how to migrate an existing version 0.x container to the new version 1.0

Contained sedex Client: 6.0.7, see release notes for changes.