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Installation check

To verify that the sedex Client has been installed and configured correctly, the following steps can be executed:

  1. Start the sedex Client
  2. Send a test message
  3. Check if the test message was sent and received


Sending and receiving a message as described below only applies to the file interface. Sending and receiving messages using the Messaging REST API is described here.

Start the sedex Client

To start the sedex Client, execute the steps described in Manual start and stop.

If the sedex Client is configured correctly, the main process (the sedex Controller) starts and automatically starts the sedex Adapter as a new process. The sedex Adapter (the messaging process) should then continuously be polling for waiting inbound and outbound messages.

Open the sedex Client’s technical log file:


The sedex Adapter runs a connection check while starting up. If everything has been configured correctly, the sedex Adapter should be able to connect to the sedex server. In this case, you will find the following lines in the technical log:

[...] Connection test for <> :passed
[...] Connection test for <> : passed
[...] Connection test finished successfully

As a further test, you can check if the sedex Adapter was able to report its software version to the sedex server. If it was, you will find the following line in the technical log:

[...] c.a.b.s.c.ConfigurationService: Submitting Adapter - Version was successful

If this line is missing, there may be an installation or configuration error. Check the log files for error messages. Most often, the reason is an incorrect configuration. Client Configuration and Troubleshooting describe the sedex Client configuration and common mistakes.

Send a test message

After the sedex Client has been started successfully, a test message can be sent.

The following procedure will send a so-called “echo message” – a message addressed to the sender. The message will be transmitted from the sedex Client to the server and back to the sedex Client again.

Create two text files with a text editor.

  1. data_test.txt

    This file contains the data of the message to be sent. Enter some random example text in this file.

    Hello sedex!

  2. envl_test.xml

    This file is the envelope of the message to be sent and contains the metadata about the message.

    Paste the following template into the envelope file and replace the parts marked with ** ... ** as described below:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<envelope xmlns="" version="1.0">
    <messageId>** TestMessageId **</messageId>
    <messageType>** Use case MessageType **</messageType>
    <senderId>** Your sedex ID here **</senderId>
    <recipientId>** Your sedex ID here **</recipientId>
    <eventDate>** Current Date **</eventDate>
    <messageDate>** Current Date **</messageDate>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<envelope xmlns="" version="1.0">

You must edit the marked strings before sending the message as follows

  • The value of TestMessageId must be a unique identifier per message. Examples “TestMessage01”, “TestMessage02”, etc.
  • The value of Use case MessageType must be one of the message types valid for your sedex domain. This is an integer value.
  • Your sedex ID here must be replaced with the sedex ID entered during the installation. The standard format is: x-xxxxxx-x.
  • The value of Current Date needs to be changed to the current date and time in Example: 2023-12-31T23:00:00.963+02:00.

DateTime Format

The dates must be specified in the following format: yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss:fffZ

  • yyyy: the current year
  • MM: the current month
  • dd: the current day
  • HH: the current hour in 24 hour format
  • mm: the current minute
  • ss: the current second
  • fff (optional): the current fraction of a second (only up to six digits are supported, see note about time precission)
  • Z (optional): Timezone of the time, e.g. +02:00 for UTC + 2 hours

Note about time precission: Although the XML DateTime format would support more than six digits for the fraction of a second, sedex deliberately allows a maximum of six digits. This is to ensure compatibility with older systems.
If the sender of a sedex message specifies more than six digits in the envelope, the transmission is aborted with an receipt (Staus code: 200, invalid envelope syntax).

The schema for the envelope is available at: eCH-0090-1-0.xsd.

Send the message.

First copy (or save) the data file and then the envelope file into the outbox folder (by default <sedex_home>/interface/outbox). It is important that the data file is copied to the outbox folder before the data file.

Check if the test message was sent and received

If the sedex Client is configured correctly, the sedex Client will send the message to the server, and because the message recipient is the sending sedex Client itself, the sent message should be received from server into the inbox folder (by default <sedex_home>/interface/inbox).

You can monitor the sedex Controller’s log files (by default in <sedex_home>/logs/controller/) and the sedex Adapter’s log file (by default in <sedex_home>/logs/adapter/) to see the sending progress or detect possible errors.